Volume XIII
Number 20
THEME 2003-2004 - Peace Through Friendship
John Smith - President, YourTown Service Club
March 21, 2003 |
Noteworthy News
This is a sample newsletter. You can use ClubWizardTM to crea te your newsletter and publish it online. Old issues are automatically archived and saved. With 2 mouse clicks, you can email your newsletter to all the members in your club. You can print copies for members that don't have email or otherwise prefer to receive a paper copy. Members can also easily print their own copies of the newsletter.
See the ClubWizardTM website for more information about the newsletter feature.
This is a sample newsletter. You can use ClubWizardTM to create your newsletter and publish it online. Old issues are automatically archived and saved. With 2 mouse clicks, you can email your newsletter to all the members in your club. You can print copies for members that don't have email or otherwise prefer to receive a paper copy. Members can also easily print their own copies of the newsletter.
See the ClubWizardTM website for more information about the newsletter feature.
This Week At YourTown
This is a sample newsletter. You can use ClubWizardTM to create your newsletter and publish it online. Old issues are automatically archived and saved. With 2 mouse clicks, you can email your newsletter to all the members in your club. You can print copies for members that don't have email or otherwise prefer to receive a paper copy. Members can also easily print their own copies of the newsletter.
See the ClubWizardTM website for more information about the newsletter feature.
Last Week At YourTown
We had another great meeting...